Monday, March 21, 2011

More Changes

Hey Everybody,

It's amazing how much can happen in two weeks.

As the world has continued to shift ever more rapidly on deeper levels, I've found it more and more challenging to return to the space between breaths where creation lives.

Last week, during a beautiful show at The Hotel Cafe joined by some of my favorite artists, I finally began to heal some ancient wounds that had been unearthed these past 3 years. Emerging from this Love Bath grateful for my community and empowered by the direction we've collectively chosen, I felt called to go deeper within and as it just so happens I was notified the following day of my acceptance into a 10 day Vipassana meditation course.

As I set off into the deep, I just wanted to check in and say Thanks for being a part of it all. There's so much more to come and I look forward to sharing it together.

Love Y'all,

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Grateful to be reminded and aware... again...

Today I woke up fully aware of the amazing people that I love in my life. In Texas, The US and The World.

In the 2 years I've called Los Angeles my home I've known periods of time where, contrary to the truth of the matter, I felt very alone and unsupported.

As that illusion has faded away, I've had the opportunity to step into a life where I'm literally surrounded by magical and beautiful human beings whom I'm honored to know as my friends.

So in the spirit of recognition and acknowledgment,
I'm voicing my appreciation here.

I thought of listing everyone specifically and though I may do something like that in a future post, today I choose to say this:

Whether we are reading/writing this from a place of pure elation or
a space of deep depression the distance between us is still nothing.
Consciousness in a sea of itself simply is one.
No matter how far away and separate we think we are from one another our relationship to what we want and what we fear, to our loved ones and ourselves is always the same,
a relationship determined by choice and focus.

To all I am blessed to Love,
Thank you for showing up in my practice and reminding me of this again and again.

Love y'all,