Sunday, February 14, 2010

"With every breath you get the chance to start all over again..."

a passing yogi said this to me as we walked away from our morning yoga practice on a sunny winter day. it was one of those moments where i immediately felt that the universe had spoken to me directly through the voice of another.
months later, those words still echoed into the darkest corners of my life,
inspiring me to consiously stoke the fires of my own recreation with love, gratitude and patience.

one yoga intensive later, which i highly recommend to anyone that feels called to one,
i find it's more and more of a habit to repeat those words silently with every breath i take. for me, having a practice wherein i acknowledge my true self daily has been the best gift i could have ever given myself.

so, in my choice to further live my reconstruction
to feel it, see it and taste it...

i bought a beat up old sailboat
completely cleaned it out... i mean everything... it needed to go.
then choosing what i wished for it to contain,
i cared for it and built it into what i want.
many a moment i was frustrated, sad or lonely
but by choice i continued the process of recreation.
not by trying to do more, but by breathing another beginning into each dead end.

it is truly a blessing to remember that we wield the power to create who we are.
that whenever we don't like how things are going it's up to us to create anew.
and that this ongoing process is less of an action and more of an allowance...
just like breathing.

Blessed be,

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