Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Waking up to the impact of inaction

It's certainly been sometime since I've put my thoughts into this little box to stare back at me and ask "what else?"
What else can I do?
What else can I allow?

Admittedly, my life is an animated blessing...
I'm surrounded by courageouly loving community that inspire me through their heroic actions, deep sharing and powerful silences.
I spend most of my days playing music, communing with the ocean and enjoying the marvels of convenience in this pop cultural mecca by the sea.
When I was a child, about 6 or so, I remember my Aunt and cousins dropped by the house on their way to the beach. In a rush of eagerness and excitement, I jumped into the car and 7 hours later found myself at

Today I faced again the realization that along with BP, I am accountable for the atrocity that is still occurring in the gulf.
This was followed by a brief internalized assault upon myself
for not doing more in my everyday life to create a world
where BP stood for BE PLAYFUL instead of BRITISH PETROLEUM.
Then, in acknowledging that there was no power in self deprecation
I released the whip of the punisher and with an open hand remembered...

In accepting that I too have played a role in this whole mess,
I gain access to being a part of it's solution.

and so with nothing before me but space I ask myself,

"What else can I do?
What else can I allow?"

Being open to the greatest answers only requires trust,


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