Monday, March 21, 2011

More Changes

Hey Everybody,

It's amazing how much can happen in two weeks.

As the world has continued to shift ever more rapidly on deeper levels, I've found it more and more challenging to return to the space between breaths where creation lives.

Last week, during a beautiful show at The Hotel Cafe joined by some of my favorite artists, I finally began to heal some ancient wounds that had been unearthed these past 3 years. Emerging from this Love Bath grateful for my community and empowered by the direction we've collectively chosen, I felt called to go deeper within and as it just so happens I was notified the following day of my acceptance into a 10 day Vipassana meditation course.

As I set off into the deep, I just wanted to check in and say Thanks for being a part of it all. There's so much more to come and I look forward to sharing it together.

Love Y'all,

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